I guess I just don't give a rats behind. I will do me no good to. Whatever they're going to has nothing to do with how I feel. That is unless they put it to a vote. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The silent majority, gets nothing. That seems like it will never change.
As far as the aforementioned, "reconquista." That would really suck for the US border patrol. That would make Oregon's Southern border, and all of Nevada's Western Border Open to illegals. But the liklihood of a 3rd world country, forcibly Taking a state from the US, is laughable at best.
Was just trying to break the tension, but I really do care. Don't be too sure about the 3rd world state overtaking idea. Take Gandhi:
"Gandhi believed in the idea of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience. These two elements of Gandhi’s plan for Indian Independence , stemmed from his philosophy of Satyagraha or soul force. When most nationalist movements of the twentieth century were being executed through the use of violence, Gandhi sought to employ a method that opposed the practice or the advocacy of violence to achieve political goals. His method was based on "Truth, Love and Self-suffering". It was through this method that any adversity could be conquered . By sacrificing one’s self to your opponent’s wrath without violent retaliation, your opponent would give in because of the commitment to self-sacrifice on the part of the Satyagrahis (Person practicing Satyagraha)."
When you look at the shear numbers of immigrants that would be allowed to cross,you get many problems. Unemployment sky rockets. Welfare goes broke. Housing becomes unaffordable, driving out Americans. This is how Mexico would try to "obtain" a state. History repeates itself, and this is proof in progress.
And so it is time to do something about it. We cannot sit around and wait for capitol hill to come in and clean up this mess. Avearage Left wing politicians will actually fight -for- these people if they think they have something to gain from them (future votes). These sympathists are trying to get amnesty for the 28,000,000 illegals that are already here.
NO... don't get me wrong on this, I do not support any paricular party, I just believe in doing what's best for those of us who earn our living and support the economy, not what's best for these leeches.
These people come to our country to work for us. The ONLY reason they come here is to work. Who hires them? Who pays them substandard CASH, UNTAXED, wages? Who will hire an illegal immigrant for low wages over an American citizen at real, taxable wages, with benefits so he or she can provide for his or her family? Who is the criminal? Who commits the act of treason? Its easy to blame the people who come here, but I think we need to address the Americans who INVITE them at the expense of their fellow, hard working, Americans.
This is an issue that affects the standard of living for every American. We all need good jobs, and we need to keep them good. Think about the businesses that you support, who they hire and how they pay those people.
This issue is important to us, and for our children too. Stop and think about it from this angle.
Let's keep this thread polite, and avoid politics and name calling so that our moderator doesn't have to shut it down.
Yes this is about Ford trucks and our ability to maintain the standard of living at which we can afford to support our old truck habit and still provide for our families and keep everything that our American soldiers, sailers, Marines, airmen, and Coast Guardsmen are fighting and dieing for.
1970 F350 DRW Factory 9' Platform/Stake, 360, T18.
Passed on to new care taker July, 2013
I hate when I go somewhere and there are people speaking other languages. I was in a restaurant the other day, and I think me and my boy were the only ones speaking english.
I now speak up. If in a store or restaurant, I loudly say to who I am with, wonder what country we are in, sounds like we crossed the border.
I say welcome to our country, come in legal, speak our language, and if it works out for you after 1 year become a citizen, OR GO HOME.
I agree with The Good Humor Man on having people come here legally and becoming citizens if they want to stay here, but I don't agree with making them speak english. Yes, they should obviously learn to speak, and write english because they are in the United States, but if they are at at restaurant or some other public place with a friend or family and they feel more comfortable speaking their first language then they should have the right to do so. They shouldn't feel bad for doing it. That's just my opinion, I don't mean to offend anyone.
You cannot MAKE them speak english, but it should be required for a job. Period. I will not learn spanish to be able to interact with them. My children should not have part of their school day wasted on leaning spanish because of them instead of leaning something useful like geometry, or auto mechanics, or anything else you can think of.
Very well put Ivansgreat! One thing most of us agree on is "legal immigration". But mass hoards of illegals is something that must be delt with. Like Gandhi, they come here (to work for better lives) without regard for our laws. They face violence, hatred, and deportation, but still they keep coming. The gov. must do something to deter them.
As far as language goes, yes, if they want to work in an english speaking environment, they must be able to speak and understand it. America is made of diversity, and this includes languages. One should not be forced to learn another language if they choose not to, but like art class or geometery, it can be a good learning experience. I've forgotten so much about geometery, but if I need it, it's still there in my head and it comes in handy.
I have no problem with people coming to this country, provided they do so LEGALLY and through the proper channels.
I do not like the idea of rewarding those who came here illegally, no matter what their native nationality. And it is not just Hispanics, although they may be the most visible group. There are people here illegally from all over the world.
I say make them go home and apply for a visa to come here.
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Red Green
What I was saying is it does no good to sit here winjing about it. Unless they put it to a vote, I see no sense getting bent out of shape over it. I am not fond of the mexican nationality myself, but I am not going to be angry or upset about something I have no say in.
FLATBEDFORD, that's an excellent place to start! Take away the reason they are coming here. As far as whining goes, everyone has the right to voice their opinion and be heard, even you j41385. I'm listing an address so anyone can make their voice heard (hope it works). Just remember to watch what you say and how you say it. You don't want to go into the lion's den smelling like blood.
I think the only really effective thing to do is to criminalize both facets: illegal immigration and employment of illegal immigrants.
Wait a minute. I think there are already laws against BOTH........
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
Red Green